Hello, I am here to tell you about my family experience, why I ended up in the clinic dr Vorobiev in Serbia. The reason we reached this point was the problem we had to face as a family. When our third child became involved with drugs about approximately 10 years ago. He had made many efforts to get away from drugs and actually he had become successful as he had stayed away for over three years from drugs. But approximately two years ago he was seeing some of his old friends.
He relapsed and he kept that secret from us, from his family so as he was not living at home, he was living 3 hours away from us by car, when we discovered that he had relapsed, we realized that he was in a very serious, serious situation. So we did a lot of research, and we discovered that there is a clinic in Europe that does a lot of work with not just detoxification, but a lot of work in changing the attitude in a way that mind deals with the situations they have to do with the addiction. So this was the reason that led us to this clinic here.
He wanted to have an implant of naltrexone
We reached the city here at approximately 14 days ago. Our son John agreed to come and he wanted to have an implant of naltrexone, if I am correct. He wanted an implant but he didn’t now any things about the procedure. The procedures here were many. We arrived. The doctors took a long time with us. They spent a lot of time and went over all the different procedures, therapeutical procedures and they gave us options from which we chose a programme that would be suitable to help our son. Our son was very cooperative with the staff. All the staff here are very, very friendly, very understanding and very professional.
The reason I agreed to give this interview was because I think as a parent I should advise other parents to choose this road for their child. As within 14 days I’ve seen my son completely different then when we arrived. Even though he had detoxified himself, psychologically he was very high in the idea of drugs. He was addicted to heroin but he also experimented with every other thing imaginable. So right now, after going through different procedures, he feels relieved of the constant cravings that these drugs create in the minds of people. We were basically interested in getting him helped for the psychological part of stopping the cravings.
We knew that physically he would discipline himself…
I believe right now that we have treated most of his cravings, at least my son is telling me that he does not wake up in the morning thinking about drugs and craving drugs, because there are two aspects in drug use. One aspect is the physical aspect and the other is the way the mind and the psycho works, and because our son detoxified himself, taking himself away from drugs over and over and over many many times in the past and relapsed, we knew that physically he would discipline himself enough to go through the detox ten to fourteen days.
Right now we are satisfied and please if you need help, call these doctors
Maybe, as I said before, he lasted for three years clean, but then again he relapsed, so we though that we needed to help to part of his body, and his mind and his psycho. That’s way we decided to try this type of therapy. Right now we are satisfied and please if you need help, call these doctors, they will advise you and make a programme that is suitable to your needs, and the needs of your child.
I’d like to thank them once again.
When we came here we didn’t know exactly what was appropriate for our son. They chose the programme. He went even on ibogaine therapy, but he was on many other procedures as well. Right now he feels strong and confident and he can face the world again and start to rebuild him, go on with his family life, with his career. He is trying to turn another page in his life and we are hoping for best for him from now on. I’d like to thank them once again. Thank you!
In our clinic for drug detox, we have patient from all over the world: Melbourne, Atlanta, Bedford, Glasgow, Birmingham, Brighton, London, Newcastle, Southampton, Los Angeles, New Yourk, Leeds, UK, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Houston, Nottingham, and also from Germany, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Canada, Australia, Hungary, Italy, Usa, Austria…