Drug rehabilitation is a process of psychological treatment directed people with addiction on psychoactive substances.
The most common types of drug rehabilitation are in- patient treatment (residential rehab centers), out-patient treatment and local support groups (AA -Alcoholic Anonymous, NA- Narcotic Anonymous).
Core of any drug addiction is a psychological dependence on a drug of choice. Only drug detoxification treatment doesn’t the problem of addiction. It takes more than just cleansing the body of the drug to overcome the disease. Psychological heroin addiction treatment is essential part of complex treatment in preventing relapse, particularly after withdrawal has been successfully achieved.
Drug rehabilitation program
At our clinic we use drug rehabilitation programs designed to enable the patients to come back into the drug free life. The programs are focused on teaching the patients the new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment. To live a life free from addiction, to become the contributing members of society.
Our dedicated team of professional psychologists provides the high level of care based on the individuals needs of every patient. To achieve greater results we encourage the patients not only to stop using heroin or other drugs. But to examine and change the habits related to their addictions.
The patients learn how to communicate effectively. How to avoid provocative situations and contacts with people who are still on drugs. How to overcome the drug memories and drug behavior from the past. How to restore moral, integrity and responsibility, how to rebuild social skills.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological therapy, group therapy, family therapy are the effective and essential programs to treat psychological constituent of drug addiction. The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy in terms of psychological treatment of drug addiction is to teach the person to recognize situations. In which he is most likely to use drugs, to avoid these circumstances if possible. And how to cope with other problems and behaviors which may lead to substance abuse.
Counseling is another method of helping the addict to recover from addiction. Counseling includes discussing the problems of addiction with the patient, as well as, with his family members. Family counseling is a way to ensure that the former addict has a supportive environment in which he is going to recover from addiction.
Every type of treatment is specifically tailored to individual’s needs. It depends on what the patient wants, the degree of motivation for sober life. What physical and psychological problems must be solved. Depression, feelings of anxiety, mood swings, sleep disorders are common signs of psychological drug withdrawal which this treatment can help with.
Our clinic is one of the best drug rehab treatment centers that suits every physical and psychological need of our patients. We also helps them to put on the way to a successful long term recovery.
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- At our drug rehabilitation programs, dedicated team of professional psychologists provides the high level of care based on the individuals needs of every patient.